Deleting a referee on a match


(A simple video showing how to delete referee in PL is found here).

A referee can be deleted on a match in several ways:

  • Deleting the referee ordinary (within his role) on a match
  • Deleting a match
  • Set the match to be buy and sell

Deleting the referee ordinary

A referee can be deleted on a match, without any restrictions of the match. If the match is played, got results, not played...whatever.

When a referee is deleted, the notfication system wil include this match/referee and can be notified.

  1. Select the match(es) (that is the row is checked)
  2. Click on the correct role (active role)
  3. Use this button to delete referee in active role
  4. ..or delete all referees in all roles in the selected match(es)


Deleting referee and set match to be unscheduled

When a match is set to be unscheduled, the referees in all roles will be deleted from match. Notifications to referees are NOT sent. Notification is sent to team responsibles.

  1. Select one or several matches
  2. Enter menu "Set selected matches unscheduled"




How did we do?

Assigning referee to match by referee assigner

Nominate - Accept
