Referee superior


Swedish Basket: Referees are updated in PL by importing data from FX. FX import referees from Swedish Basket by API.  

Referees can be assigned to matches whenever if the matches are published or not. Referees will not show up other places than in PL when not published.

Referees are eighter set to be nominated or removed from match if match is moved.

Swedish Bandy: Referees are not removed when a match is moved.

NOTE: Group play matches which is set to have club match edit on a date ahead, will not show up in list of matches. Playoff matches will always show no matter date of club match edit.

Download referee into PL (bubble 1)

Referees must be dowloaded at least one time for each season and each organisation. Downloading is done as image below is showing: "Load referees from official source".  After one download is done, newly added/changed referee will be checked every time a season is checked (when starting PL).

The official source is referees found in FX. Referees


Type of referees

A referee type is the role (not the competence) a referee has during the referee of the match. There are number of referee types based on organisation data. IE: Basket sweden have 5 different referee types and the "top" type is "Crew chief". These types are shown in bubble 3 in image below. Inactive or passive referees are downloaded into PL (in case they allready have matches) but are not shown in the seletc referee list (bubble 4).

The basics to assign a referee to a match.

Enter menu "Referee" - tab "Referee assigned to match"

  1. Make a filter for the matches you want to assign referee(s)
  2. Select one or more matches using select box (left column)
  3. Select the column with referee role you want to assign
  4. Select referee. TIP: Just click on the referee name to fast assign the referee. Otherwich, check on the referee and hit the button "Save referee (bubble 5)

Organisation data - Bandy

  • Not using buy and sell.
  • Referee shall de directly accepted without nomination.
  • When a match move, referee shal follow the match.
  • Notifications do not have any exeptions.

How did we do?

Restrict access to referee module
