Send email / SMS

Most important things to know

Enter menu "Shortcuts" - "Send email / SMS"

  • You can email or text to team leaders, contact persons and referees.
  • All teams and contact persons are downloaded as you enter this page. This is to ensure you got all the latest data from the register site on web.
  • You can make a filter based on i.e. category for sending mail to a selected number of teams
  • All emails/SMS are logged with timestamp and text so you will know who has got email/SMS and when.

Window explanation

  1. There are 7 types of message with standard text. Select one of them as a start!
  2. Select the receivers. Note that you can make filter in the grid to select only one i.e. category.
  3. Choose whether to send the message by email or SMS.
  4. By default, the subject always starts with the tournament name. If you choosed in (1) to send out an email about the publishing of match setups, subject will be changed to "Tournament 2024 - Match Schedule Published!". You can change the subject as you wish. NOTE: Check that the mail "from address" is correct
  5. Click to send.
  6. If you want to copy email addresses, just click this button.

Message: Send info about changed schedule

When a schedule is published, most often changes will appear. You can send email to only those team leaders which have got their schedule change.

  1. Select drop-down "Publish changed schedule".
  2. See the time for the change...
  3. ...and select the teams you want to inform
  4. Change the text if you want
  5. Click "Send email" when ready
Special message 1: Reminder to enter match schedule time and venue 

In some tournaments, the home team leaders are responsible for deciding the match date, time and venue. A special url is made for this purpose. It is possible to send a reminder to the team leaders which not have entered match date. This email is customized to each team leader with respect on the matches which are uplisted. See example in the picture below, yellow rectangle. NOTE: As always, the email text is only a suggestion and can be changed!

The reminder select matches out from:

  • Matches from today and up to 30 days ahead in time
  • Matches without valid venue
  • Matches which not have been send as reminder earlier.
    NOTE: If a reminder is sent on a match, and the match is changed (ex time, but venue is still unvalid), this match will be included in the reminder list again.

Special message 2: Reminder to enter match result

In some tournaments, the home team leaders are responsible for registrating match results. A special url is made for this purpose. It is possible to send a reminder to the team leaders which not have entered match result. This email is customized to each team leader with respect on the matches which are uplisted. NOTE: As always, the email text is only a suggestion and can be changed!

The reminder select matches out from:

  • Matches from today and back in time 90 days
  • Matches without a result
  • Matches with category set to show results in APP
  • Matches which not have been send as reminder earlier.
    NOTE: If a reminder is sent on a match, and the match is changed (ex time, but venue is still unvalid), this match will be included in the reminder list again

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