Links to public sites


  • Even there are several url (links) to your tournament, it is one url which leads to all other. One example is this spanish tournament:
  • The url consist of Profixio domain + "/app" + your tournament short name. All other pages are found from this url!
  • Logged in as admin user, gives you access to 100% of your tournament.

Enter menu "Shortcuts" - "Show tournament links"

  1. This is the most common tournament pages
  2. And this is the links themselves
Here is what you will find
  • Public match setup page (along with results and tables)
  • Public site showing matches dynamic on a screen (tv-screen or whatever)
  • Link to the result registration page (which always shall be used for result reg). This link must be sent to those who shall register results during the tournament! Remember; Do also send the password!
  • Admin page for registrations, economy, settings and schedule
  • Page where you can make minor changes in the schedule

How did we do?

Publish only groups

Hide / show categories, groups and or playoff on public match schedule
