Referee group


A referee group can contain whatever combination of referees. Then the group can be used to make a filter of referees to be used on matches. Referee group can be added and deleted, but not edited. Only the group name can be edited. NOTE: A group is personal. Only groups belonging to the person who has made them, can be seen by that person.

NOTE: It is not possible to remove a referee from a group. If so, you must delete the group and then add correct referees. BUT: It is possible to add a referee to an existing group.

Make referee group

Enter menu "Referee". First you must select the referees which shall be in the group.

  1. Fast select from this list box
  2. Add referees by selecting the checkbox in front of referees
  3. Save this group
  4. Change the name of the group if you want.

TIP: You can see / select groups based on date and the user which have made them. See columns right to bubble 4.


Add referee to existing group

  1. Select one or several referees in list
  2. Select one or several groups you want to add selected referee(s)
  3. Click "Save referee group"

Using referee group

A referee group can be used from tab "Referee assigned to match"

  1. Select one or several groups
  2. Activate this filter
  3. Now you can select among your referees to assign to matches
  4. Clear this filter by using this button.


How did we do?

Mismatch referees in APP and PL

Referee pair
