Play length on matchcard

Most important things to know

  • Play length on matchcard must NOT be confused by "match length"
  • A match can have play length of 2 periods of 15 minutes, 1 break of 5 minutes resulting in a 35 minutes play length. But in addition it can be 5 minutes in break before next match. The resulting 40 minutes is match length (or named "slot length" by some).
  • Play length can be set common for all the group play matches, and individual for playoff matches.
  • Play length is ONLY seen on the match card and are nice info for the referees.

Play length on group play matches

In the same tab as you publish matches, locate the button "Set match card play time". When saved, the matchcards are updated immediately.

  1. Enter number of periods for the group play matches and ..
  2. ...periode length and ..
  3. ...break between periods
  4. Enter number of periods for the playoff matches and ..
  5. ...periode length and ..
  6. ...break between periods (for playoff matches)
  7. Remember to save!


Play length on playoff matches (several or single)

Playoff matches can have common play length but you can change individual matches to have different play length, such as the final matches. Enter the "Final play" window and tab "Final play settings". When saved, the matchcards are updated immediately.

  1. Select category
  2. Enter period length for the playoff matches and ..
  3. ...number of periods and ..
  4. ...break between periods (remember to save!)


Play length on playoff matches changed in visualizer

  1. Right click on one or several matches and select "Change"
  2. Enter data for the play length and click "Save"
  3. NOTE: The match length does NOT influence on match cards, onle the match length in the schedule.




How did we do?

Hide / show categories, groups and or playoff on public match schedule

