Profixio CUP

What is Profixio CUP?

Profixio CUP is the complete solution for tournaments! It includes web site, registration, economy, match scheduling and more.

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1 article by 1 author

Tournament admin site (APP)

This is the main site for your tournament. Inside you can administrate all registrated teams, design the tournament home page and present matches.

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46 articles by 1 author

Match scheduler (TXO)

This is the site for making your match schedule. We call it TXO (Tournament Scheduler Online).

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94 articles by 1 author

Run tournament!

This category tell you important stuff of how to run your tournament. Result registration. Late changes of matches. And much more!

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13 articles by 1 author


Turneringens startside og påmelding.. Tekst Da har vi laget noen videoer som viser løsningen Profixio. Vi tar utgangspunkt i oversendt spesifikasjon og jobber oss gjennom den! Først og fremst ser vi…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll
