Club match edit - Superior

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


A schedule. or just some matches in a schedule, can be transferred to APP for match responsible(s) to set date, time and venue. When the club admin has set time and venue on a match, the public view is updated directly, but the match is hidden from public view until date limit for club match edit is reached. Then the match is set to visible bu automatic. Matches can have different time limit for the club admin to change matches. This time limit is set when publishing this type of matches.

NOTE: This must NOT be confused with "Matches request to move". It is two completely different functions!

There are four different scenarios in club match edit:

  1. Transfer all matches in several league levels at the same time
  2. Transfer all matches in one league level
  3. Transfer only selected matches
  4. Transfer playoff matches

Explanations and limitations

  • Match responsible = club admin.. Match responsible is set in PL and club admin in APP.
  • Matches will be hidden from public view. Only club admin and persons with higher cred can now see the schedule. NOTE: Matches are hidden until match is published without club match edit from PL.
  • Matches in PL are set to be unpublished. Matches must be approved (published) from PL after club admin has suggested play time and venue.
  • Matches with club match edit with date in the future, is not shown in window referee assignment
  • Time limit to set time / venue is set on each match. After time limit, club admin can not change match time/venue. When updating PL, no time limit is considered. All matches changed by club admin will be downloaded to PL.
  • If match has been published, and then set to be club match edit, match time and venue is unchanged.
  • Only matches with start date bigger than today and is not having result, can be transferred to club match edit.
  • In APP, teams are shown in group table (but matches are not shown, as said)

How did we do?

Change matches from public site

Club match edit - Transfer league level
