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Main modules in Profixio League

Pontus Hedfors Updated by Pontus Hedfors

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Profixio League (in short PL), is a 100% web site solution. No installation of software is demanded. The web site is completely located in the Google Cloud system, ensuring fast and save data transfer.

PL is designed for sport organisations to handle their league play. Both top national leagues, and lower leagues in age limited categories. Depending on type of league, the way of working in PL differs a bit.

PL contains of several modules. Further on, we describe each of them.

Player and team licensing module

Using sport organisation solution. Possible to exchange data by API.

Registration module

The registration site is created in PL with entering only some few data. Teams will register using this site, and data is fetched into Profixio League (for scheduling). Sample of registration a team here.

Scheduling module

The scheduling module is very complex and include a lot of possibilities.

NOTE: For more detailing info, see this video of scheduling module in PL!

Just to mention some few aspects:

  • Set round date start and end limits.
  • Set priority weekdays to play on.
  • Venues are fetched from central register where all clubs can enter their venues..
  • Venues availibility restricted by matches (also from another sports) and by venue owners
  • Scheduling matches: Using round robin or play keys. Play keys are often used for lower leagues.
  • Including several request to ensure top level leagues been optimal. These requests are described here.
  • Team leaders can request for match move (time/venue).

Referee module

Up to unlimited referees can be added to a match. This can contains crew chief, umpires and whatever.

Just to mention some few aspects about referees:

  • Referees can be set as "Nominated" Then the referee must accept or reject the match within a time limit.
  • Referee status is always shown (that is nominated, accepted, rejected, buy and sell).
  • Referee availibility is checked for each referee. This makes the risk of double booking to zero.
  • Complete economy is handled for the referees by PL.
  • Each referee has itws own calendar in Profixio APP.

Notification module

The notification module consists of two parts; One automatic and one by manual. Typical notification is when a match time is changed. Then notification is going by mail to involved persons.

Just to mention some few aspects about notifications:

  • Notifications can be turned on/off.
  • Notifications can sent by email to team leaders, referees, referee responsible and match resposnibles.
  • Most of the notifications are done by automatic and all notifications are logged.
  • Receivers of notifications get a link in the email if they need to accept/reject something.

Public match module

The public match module consists of all the matches scheduled in different leagues. No login is demanded. This module is 100% mobile phone adaptive!

Just to mention some few aspects about public match module:

  • Easy to find wanted league. Just search for it in 
  • Match card includes all relevant information
  • If logged in, a lot of data is found for your teams
  • Referees are shown on each match (if league adminstrator has accepted this)
  • Digital matchprotocol or match live statistics is shown on matches which have been live registrated
    Live stat sample here
    Digital match report samle here

Live registration module

If a match is been live registred, all actions in the match are saved into a digital match protocol. This live reg can be done by those who has acces to it.






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Scheduling variants in PL
