Split matches


Split matches are matches with same team playing eachother x times. The summary of this matches will decide who is the winner. Calculation of the summary depends on the situation.

Technichal note: Split child matches do not have a record in playoff match. Only the split match parent have such a record!

Parent and child matches

To see the included matches, just expand the detail row in grid.

-1 indicate this is the parent match. The rest of the matches are connected to this parent match by code.


Switch home and away team for the parent split match

The parent split match, is always shown in the playoff tree grid. The cild match(es) are shown when expanding the parent match row. All matches in same treelevel (ex 1/4-final) will have same number of matches!

  1. In window "Make playoff tree", select the match...
  2. ...and click "Switch home-away team..". 
    This grid will update and then show correct home-away team.
  3. In the menu "Schedule", the grid will show switched teams in the corresponding match.
  4. The date will show up in normal font (not bold), and the match must be published before the switched teams are shown in the APP.

Switch home and away team for one of the child split match

The parent split match, is always shown in the playoff tree grid. The cild match(es) are shown when expanding the parent match row..

  1. It is NOT POSSIBLE to switch home-away team from the window "Playoff tree". This MUST be done from window "Schedule"
  2. Select the row with the match...
  3. ...and click "Switch home-away". 
    This grid will update and then show correct home-away team.
  4. The date will show up in normal font (not bold), and the match must be published before the switched teams are shown in the APP.


Ordering of split matches in schedule

Split matches will be numbered as example 1/4-1 (1/3). This means the match is the first match of 3 in this split. The index 1 is always depending on the match time, so index 1 is always the first match consider the match start time.




How did we do?

Deleting a playoff match

Split matches - winner calculating
