Table of Contents

Main functionality

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


Assigning referee to match has been done i Profixio League (PL) so far. This functionality is now moved out and into the APP solution. The main goal is to make it easier for referee admins to list correct matches and assigning referees.

This image shows a preliminary page of the new referee window:

Match referee filter

In roder to list matches for referee assigning, the user need to make a match filter. This filter will decide which matches to load into the match list. A filter can be saved for later use. A filter is user dependant, so two different users can not share filter.

Match filter objects

There are 4 different objects a user can make filter from:

  • Regions, Venues, Leagues, League levels

When logget in as a user, credentials are checked and only allowed objects can be chosen to be included in filter.

How did we do?
