Publish schedule using FX


A league can be set to also publish matches to FX in order to edit the match list in FX. For now, this is done by the Swedish TableTennis, and only in some few top leagues..

This is done in menu "Basic data" as shown:


User considerations

In FX, the matches are shown as "Administrate matches". The matches can be edited the usual way.

NOTE: The matches are NOT shown public before the button "View matches in public" is pushed.


Technical consequences

In FX, all matches in league are shown as usual in menu "Leagues" ("Serier"). When publishing to APP there are some actions done in background (mostly written for technical support):

  • All data in table "rsk" for the selected league, are deleted
  • Matches are set to be hidden in public schedule in APP
  • Table "rd" is set to be "klargjort"



How did we do?

Match request to move

Publish matches to FX (rare)
