Club match edit - Playoff match

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


A playoff match can also be set for club admin to enter time and venue. When a match is set in this modus, the match is shown for club admin in their list of matches. Only matches without a result can be set as "club match edit".

Make a match ready for club admin to edit

  1. Select one or several match(es) to be set as "club match edit"
  2. Enter menu "Match functions" and "click on "Select last date to edit match"
  3. A popup will show with 3 date input. The first date is important. This date set the last date for club admin to decide match data.
  4. The lower to date input are limiting when a match shall be played; First and last date.

How to delete club match edit date?

When publishing playoff matches the ordinary way, club match edit will be deleted and will be removed from responsible club list of matches.

How is matches shown in APP?

Playoff matches is shown as usual in APP. The two yellow matches in image below are matches which have club match edit set as a date in the future. Ordinary not-playoff matches will be hidden in APP but playoff matches are shown.

How did we do?

Club match edit - Transfer league level

Match request to move
