My Profixio

What is My Profixio?

My Profixio can be accessed from (see arrow in picture below)

  • My Profixio is a customized page that every Profixio user automatically receives. It includes all modules you have access to.
  • The page summarizes all roles, tournaments, teams where you as a logged-in user are involved.
  • As an administrator, you also get an admin link to all your tournaments, both new and old (see bubble 5)
  • Therefore, you do not need other links (url's)

How to log in?

It is your e-mail address the system checks when logging in.

There are 4 possible ways to log in; Facebook, Google, Min Idrett (NIF) and Profixio.

Which one you prefer is entirely up to you, BUT::

  • In order for the system to provide correct access, you must log in with the same email address that you used when, for example, creating a tournament.
  • If you have forgotten your password, there is of course a "Forgot password" function to use.

How did we do?

Tournament is made on web - what to do?

