First time using Profixio CUP?

Fortell meg om Profixio CUP - Jeg vet ingenting om den! (Norsk)

Hva starter jeg med? Opprett først påmeldingsside for turnering. Alle turneringer må ha en påmeldingsside. Det er her lagene melder seg på, får faktura og eventuelt kan bestille tjenester. Men hva om…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Tell me about Profixio CUP - I know nothing about it!

What do I start with? First create the registration page for the tournament. All tournaments must have a registration page. This is where the teams register, receive an invoice and possibly order ser…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

License information

What is the meaning of a license? . All tournaments must be linked to a club or organization. This link becomes with us a "license". A license contains data about who is hosting a tournament. We need…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Tournament is made on web - what to do?

Primarily; Log in to "My Profixio" ( Important things you should check. Have you chosen to make the tournament visible? You can turn off visibility when you are in the se…


My Profixio

What is My Profixio? My Profixio can be accessed from (see arrow in picture below) My Profixio is a customized page that every Profixio user automatically receives. It in…



(Eksempel på epost sent til ULLERN IDRETTSFORENING ) Hei! PING Services AS er vår leverandør angående økonomimodul i Profixio CUP. For at PING skal utbetale til dere, må dere verifisere organisasjon,…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Prices using Profixio CUP

Overordnet. (only in Norwegian for now) Priser finnes nede på siden Kort oppsummert kan du som arrangør velge mellom 2 økonomimoduler; "Basis" og "Komplett" Modulen "K…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll
