Team delete

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


It is possible to delete a team in several way.

NOTE: It is not possible to delete a team which have matches. If so, delete matches first. Except: See bubble 5.

Delete team

  1. Select the team you want to delete.
  2. Enter a date limit if the teams history shall remain in APP. More info here.
    Clear this date if not the history shall be considered.
  3. "Soft delete selected team":
    - The team will be deleted in APP.
    - The team will be replaced with a vacant team in PL, included matches.
    - If this deleted team is set as responsible on match, the responsible team is removed after deleting.
  4. Click here to un-delete selected team.
  5. If you want to delete a team permanent, you must first click "Remove selected team from group". If selected team has matches, the matches will be deleted in PL! NOTE: If team is a vacant team, the team will be deleted. If not, you must click on button (6) to in fact delete the team.
  6. You can delete all teams which do not belong to any group. All teams are considered, so no selection is necessary.
    NOTE: Teams are deleted even if the are registrated in APP. Teams are only deleted in PL, not in APP.
  7. Select teams you want to delete. Only teams which are not from registering site and have no matches, will be deleted.

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Teams and group
