Matches - Color description

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


Publishing matches which are invalid, can make visitors to the schedule confused. There are no restriction to publish invalid matches, but you will be warned about it.

Color description

  1. Green row: Match is played and if result is entered, it will show in one of the last columns.
  2. Symbol: Just hover mouse to see an explanation.
  3. Blue font in column "Match number": Match is sent to club admin in order to let him/her enter time and venue. Such matches are hidden from public.
  4. Bold font in column "Match number, date, time": This match is published. If normal font this match is either not published OR changed in PL after publishing.
  5. Text "-never" in column "Published": Match has never been published and do not have a record in APP database.

Invalid matches

Invalid match is a match which is missing basic data, such as date/time, venue or teams

  1. Match without an end time

How did we do?

Matches need to be published

Change matches from public site
