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Matches - Color code explanation

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


Publishing matches which are invalid, can make visitors to the schedule confused. There are restrictions to publish invalid matches, but you can override it. Each match is checked within these data:

  • Match shall have valid end time (all matches do have a start time whatever). If not, icon red+cross.
  • Match shall have valid teams (vacant teams is not a valid team). If not, icon red+cross.
  • Match shall have valid group (exception playoff match). If not, icon red+cross.
  • Match shall have a valid venue (the venue must exists in FX). If not, icon red+cross.
    Exception: If the match is a playoff match, the match will turn into "Warning"
  • Match shall have no collision with other match at same time and same venue. If not, icon warning.
  • Match shall have a venue which is assignet to the home team. If not, icon green ok (v).
  • Match shall have a venue which is priority venue to the home team. If not, icon green ok (v).
  • Match shall be in sync with APP if published. If not, icon background is grey.

Main symbolic icons

There are 4 main symbols used in a match. From the top:

  • The match is perfect.
  • The match is not played on correct home team venue.
  • The match has warning, typical match collision.
  • The match has a critical error.

Note about match critical error

If a match has a critical error (shown with icon red+cross), the match can NOT be published.

Exception: If checkbox "Overruled" is checked, then all matches will be published (with or without critical error).

  1. Critical error. Match do not have a valid end time (time is not set by user). By technical reasons, all matches will always have a start time, even if no time is set by user. If end time is missing, the user must set match time by manual.
  2. Match ok but with a remark. Match is not played on a venue which the home team is assigned to play on.
  3. Match includes a vacant team. Match is overruled so the match can have play time and be published.
    NOTE: If match is NOT overruled, and includes a vacant team, match time can NOT be set (and thereby not to be published.
  4. Match is having critical error, but is overruled and also published.

Row and cell color description

  1. Green row: Match is played and if result is entered, it will show in one of the last columns.
  2. Symbol: Just hover mouse to see an explanation.
  3. Blue font in column "Match number": Match is sent to club admin in order to let him/her enter time and venue. Such matches are hidden from public.
  4. Bold font in column "Match number, date, time": This match is published. If normal font this match is either not published OR changed in PL after publishing.
  5. Text "-never" in column "Published": Match has never been published and do not have a record in APP database.

Mismatch between data in PL and APP

If a match is published from PL, and then changed in APP, PL will show a mismatch. The symbolic icon will turn into grey background color, and the venue cell will change to red. The match in PL will still show as "Published".

How did we do?

Prepare before publish

Publish multiple league levels
