Profixio CUP
What is Profixio CUP?
Tournament admin site (APP)
First time using Profixio CUP?
Fortell meg om Profixio CUP - Jeg vet ingenting om den! (Norsk)
Tell me about Profixio CUP - I know nothing about it!
License information
Tournament is made on web - what to do?
My Profixio
Prices using Profixio CUP
Make new tournament
Create new tournament - Superior
Create new tournament - Basic data
Create new tournament - Category, services and economy
New tournament - Approvement and publishing
Tournament homepage
Administrate tournament
Change basic tournament data
Email to registered teams
Offering services
Include debet account number
Cancelling of tournament
User access
Customize registering site
Administrate teams
Communicate with contact persons
Delete team
Team leader - Pay fee
Waitlist - Using and moving team
Player - allergy
Players - output
Using economy module "Complete"
Module "Complete" - Sjekkliste ved avsluttet cup
Module "Complete" - Changing ordered services
Module "Complete" - Accept wrong payment
Module "Complete" - Collective invoice
Module "Complete" - Underfunded, overfunded and payment on wrong kid
Registrere at lag har betalt - Uten bruk av OCR
Make credit memo
Discount to club or team
Send payment reminder
Accommodation and food
Match scheduler (TXO)
Getting started
Getting started from zero
Log into TXO
TXO startup window
Give access to new user
Loading registration data
Tournament dates
Divide teams into group
Group - change name
Playtype - Direct cup play (no group play)
Beachvolleyball NVBF
Teams (competitors)
Switch two teams
Competitors - in depth
Vacant team - in depth
Club - in depth
Delete a team after schedule is made
Seeding of teams - Play keys
Playkeys - customize
Special play system - Skilled based round two
Estimate number of matches and hours necessary
SVBF Beach
Sceduling overview
Make a schedule
Make a new match
Make matches by manual
Delete matches
Moving matches
Switch matches
Change match length
Match numbering
Color codes for matches
Visualizer filter
Match play length on match card
Publish schedule
Superior about publishing
Publish your match schedule
Publish only groups
Links to public sites
Hide / show categories, groups and or playoff on public match schedule
Play length on matchcard
Playoff - make new
Playoff - Settings
League play
Position matches
Using "best of" and not locked positions
Playoff - Use hidden playoff
Ranking table - Select
Playoff tree - symbolic
Ranking table calculation
Ranking tables - customize
Positioning all teams
Assign referees - TXO
Referee - assign teams
Referee restrictions
Assign referee partner
Symbolic referee schedule
Importing referees
Result positions
Ranking tables - Criterias and view
Ranking - update ranking points
Rangeringstabeller - Norsk Rugby
Instruction videos
Kampoppsett - Enkel turnering (only in Norwegian)
Category data
Manus: Hvordan legger man inn begrensninger
Publisere kampoppsett
Manus: Kampoppsett
Manus: Sluttspill
Nice to know
Change language
Setting visual theme
How to make a backup?
Order support during tournament
Import data from Excel
Not sorted articles
League play
League play - team leader set match data
Ordering match schedule
Bestille kampoppsett
Split match variant
Schedule mission
Import data
Make a new federation/organisation
Templates for import
Monrad: Setup and running
Calculation of schedule
Run tournament!
Soon tournament start
Result registration
Resultatregistrering - Slik gjør du (norsk)
Result registration - This is what you shall do!
Livereg matches (only in Norwegian)
Competitor draw when equal positions
Force position in table
Calculation ranking table
Public presentations
2025 NYHETER - Only in Norwegian
Profixio LEAGUE
What is Profixio LEAGUE?
Organisation setup
Registration data
Definition of league, league-level and group
Make a league registration site
Registration site change
Team registration
Basic data
Activating league
League level settings
When to make a new level or not?
Adding level
Delete level
Economy level
Team delete
Teams and group
Vacant team
Team replace - Consequences
Anti teams
Teams and venues
Publish team (no matches)
Prepare schedule
League time restrictions
Pool (group) play - Without play keys
Using playkeys
Ranking table criteria (calculating positions in group)
Play order
Schedule superior
Scheduling superior
Schedule views
Schedule - using visualizer
Schedule functions
Schedule priority days
Match date and time
Add matches to schedule
Include match in CUP scheduling
Set match to unscheduled
Match delete
Match venue
Team functions
Vacant team
Responsible club
Match validation - Color codes
Matches archived
Matches shown in Visualizer (PLV)
Locked schedule or match
Schedule CAREFUL functions
Match rounds
Log actions
Scheduling variant - Group play
Scheduling variant - Group play and then playoff
Prepare for playoff - Group(s) or cup
Make matches (round robin)
Schedule matches
Running CUP
Register new teams to playoff
Example of group play plus playoff
Scheduling variant - Pool play
Scheduling a pool play
Make a league to use pool play with teams in same group
Make a league to use cross pool play
Special custom playtype 1
Scheduling variant - CUP play
Prepare league settings for cup play
Make playoff tree
Make playoff cup schedule
Edit teams
Edit playoff match
Add one more playoff match
Assign team from another match
Deleting a playoff match
Split matches
Split matches - winner calculating
Scheduling variant - Custom teams
Scheduling variant - Connected opponents
Publish schedule
Prepare before publish
Matches - Color code explanation
Publish multiple league levels
Delete matches from public site
Matches need to be published
Change matches from public site
Club match edit - Match responsible
Club match edit - Playoff match
Match request to move
Publish schedule using FX
Publish matches to FX (rare)
Custom match number
Referee superior
Restrict access to referee module
Referee calendar - Busy or restricted
Assign person as match referee assigner
Referee competence
Assigning referees - Make a match filter!
Assigning referee to match
Assigning referee to match by referee assigner
Deleting a referee on a match
Nominate - Accept
Referee buy and sell
Referee responsible
Referee settings when publishing
Referee on match changed
Mismatch referees in APP and PL
Referee group
Referee pair
Referee cross calendar
Duplicate referees from FX
Errorcheck: Mismatch PL - APP
Import - export
Import playkeys
Import a schedule from Excel (often made in Sporting Client)
Importing league level into league
Backup, restore and layout
Instruction videos
Digital matchprotocol
Superior functionality - Make a schedule
Playoff - Scenarios
Intro to registration module
Adding new league level to existing league
Technical section
Profixio Federation
Profixio APP
Profixio Stuff
Privacy policy
- All Categories
- Profixio LEAGUE
- Basic data
- Adding level
Adding level
by Ole Kristian Engvoll
When a league is set to have a registered site, made by "Create registration site", it is possible to choose not to include levels. For example in Basket Sweden, "Basketettan Herr" has no levels. Then, it is only possible to register to this league (and no levels in this league).
BUT: In PL it is possible to divide a league into levels, for example "Basketettan Herr North" and "Basketettan Herr South". It is possible to choose if this new level shall be possible to register new team into or only for making a schedule.
Adding a new level
- In order to add a new level, you must enter the button "Click to add a new level for this league". Then, a new window (form) will show up.
- Enter name of this level. It must be different from existing levels! This name is shown everywhere.
- Enter default match length
- If this level shall show in the registering site, select "Include in register site."
If this level shall also be used in the match schedule, select "Include in public matches". - If teams shall be duplicated, select this checkbox.
Typical scenario: Teams are first playing in level "South". Later in the season, all teams shall play a playoff. Then you must select to duplicate teams, because they shall participate in different levels. NOTE: One team (with its unique ID), can only participate in one level. When a team is duplicated, the duplicate team will have a new unique ID. - Select which type of play you want for this league. NOTE: It is not necessary to choose play type if you have only selected "Include in register site."
- Click on button to save this new level. Now the page is reloading, showing a new level and a new row in the levels table.

Adding teams to new level
After a level is made, you must define which level the teams shall play in. It is necessary to assign both the correct level and the correct group to the teams which shall be included in this new level. Enter as image below shows.
More about adding a level
When register a team, it is possible to selct among levels which registration date is not expired. As an example; "Basketligaen Special" (1) was made as a registration level. Adding a new level will make this level to show up in the category reg detail popup. See (2).

Edit level
NOTE: Admin of leagues will always see all levels open and active for registration. The reason for this is to have the possibility to add teams in inactive levels.
- Enter button "New" to make a new row in this table
- Enter "Level" = X where X = ordering number of level
- Enter name of the level. This will show up in the registration site in APP
- Columns to edit playlength data
- "Reg limit": Enter a date to limit when regsitration can be made for a level.
NOTE: Admin of league can always register teams no matter this date. - "Hide matches": Turn this of if matches shall be hidden from the public view. Team owners can still see the matches, adn of course league admins.
- "Can move matches": Set a date in the future if team owners can ask for match moving (time or field). The opposite team must react on this proposal. The league owner must apporve the change for leagues which are set to be "must apporoved". Other leagues will change the match if both team owners agree.
- "Inactive": Turn this on if the level shall not be visible at all in the APP. No data will be transfermed from TXO to APP.
- "Teams copied": Read-only to inform if teams are copied from one level to this level. Mostly used in poolplay and in playoff.
- "Is master": If set to on, this is the master level from which teams are copied from.

Example of different actions
Situation: PU14 Stockholm basket season 22/23
- Registration site is made with 3 levels: - As seen, no columns regarding registration are checked:
A. Change name on level and close registration
- Enter new name of level
- Clear column "Reg limit" or set date to before today. This will close the registration choice for this level.
- Remember to save!

Result of this action on the public reg site:
B. Get team from another level
- Change level from the tab "Teams registered in league" (just select from dropdown)
- Remember to save!

Result of this action: The summary of teams are changed in the level list:
C. Make new level: "Level 3B" - Make register site for this level
- Enter button "New"
- Set correct level (should be in order so this one is set to 4)
- Enter name...
- ...and playing length data
- Remember to save!
- In order to make this level availible in APP for registration, activate this level (if not done allready)
- Then, use this button to make the reg site!