Publish matches to FX (rare)

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


Publishing matches to FX is only for organisations using Profixio FX.

Publish to FX

  1. If you want to ensure matches are scheduled on venues not taken, and restrictions for teams and matches are included, you must use "Run Profixio CUP scheduling. If you are happy with the schedule, and sure that the venues are available, it is not necessary to run this extra scheduling algorithms
  2. When you are satisfied with the schedule, you can publish it. Click on this button to publish to FX.

Publish from FX to the publics

Click on "Spelprogram" and then check the schedule all over. Switch home-away teams, change match time and so on. Then, click on "Publish" and matches show up on the public match site.




How did we do?

Publish schedule using FX

Custom match number
