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Profixio League Updates

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Update 28.06.2024

  • Schedule - match time: Fix "Save only date"
  • Cross pool play: Small fix due to select cross pool play.

Update 17.06.2024

Match filter: Select to show only published matches (or all if unchecked)

Season is now a user specific data (to ensure that the user is getting correct season as default).

Fixed use of playkeys and order of rounds

Update 27.05.24

"Play order": More stable switch between schedule and solutions.

Include view/change ranking table type in "League settings"

More translations in Swedish.

Update 24.04.24

Multilevel scheduling updated.

More translations in Swedish.

Update 15.04.24

In playoff, matches is NOT deleted in APP even if they are invalid in PL. In ordinary leagues, the match will be deleted in APP if invalid.

Invalid match: Missing end time, a team, venue and/or responsible team.

Update 20.03.24

Adding a registered team to a league level

Doc here

Update 15.03.24

Team must be selected from dropdowns

Update 10.03.24

Activating league is now changed.
  1. New button "Activate" to activate a league
  2. Click on one of the other cells to see registred teams in a league
Entering window "Schedule" directly

Now you can enter window Schedule without activating a league first. This is only to save time for you.

In window Schedule you MUST open "Match filter" to select what leagues you want to work with.

NOTE: Open "Match filter" can also be done even if you have activated a league first.

How did we do?

Definisjoner av ranking
