Technical section

Profixio League Updates

Update 13.12.2024 Better performance assigning referees. Changes in adding playoff and better assigning of teams to playoff matches. Improved updating of data within other users seeing the same match…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Definisjoner av ranking

ranking_nivå. ranking_divisjon. ranking_avdeling. kamp_klasse. PL: LeagueLevel

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Make play order

Superior. A new league schedule must be started from page "Home" and as shown: Data set on first initializing a league. ActivateLeague(). sessionVar.SolutionsDataTable = null;. sessionVar.SolutionID…


Schedule - New and archive

Activate a schedule. The active schedule is set on the user object: sessionVar.ObjUser(uow).ActiveSchedule = x Run Sporting PRO. Schedule.Oid = sessionVar.ObjUser(uow).ActiveSchedule

