Technical section

Profixio League Updates

Update 29.10.2024 Mismatch between path in APP and path in PL is now shown with a red fill color. Mismatch should really only happen if you change matchin PL and do not publish. BUT: There may be oth…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Definisjoner av ranking

ranking_nivå. ranking_divisjon. ranking_avdeling. kamp_klasse. PL: LeagueLevel

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Make play order

Superior. A new league schedule must be started from page "Home" and as shown: Data set on first initializing a league. ActivateLeague(). sessionVar.SolutionsDataTable = null;. sessionVar.SolutionID…


Schedule - New and archive

Activate a schedule. The active schedule is set on the user object: sessionVar.ObjUser(uow).ActiveSchedule = x Run Sporting PRO. Schedule.Oid = sessionVar.ObjUser(uow).ActiveSchedule

