Module "Complete" - Underfunded, overfunded and payment on wrong kid

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


If a team leader do not pay according to amount of invoice, the payment will be set as "Underfunded" or "Overfunded", where underfunded means to little is paid. NOTE: When a payment is over or underfunded, the amount of money will NOT be paid to you as the tournament owner. You must either get the money from the team OR use "Reconcile order". In both cases, the payment will be correct and thereby be transferred to you as tournament owner.


Enter menu "Economy" - Payment links"

  1. As you can see, one team has paid to little (-400). Now you have two options: Message the team and ask them to pay the missing amount or..
  2. "Reconcile order". This means you accept the payment no matter the amount. After "Reconcile order", the amount paid is ready to be settled.


If a team has paid to much, the amount of overpaid money should be returned to the team. If you as tournament owner, has not transferred money from PING to your own account, this amount can be refunded directly from Profixio.

NOTE: It is possible for you as the tournament owner to run "Reconcile order" also for "Overfunded" payments. Then you must ensure to by manual pay back the overfunded amount.

How to register a refund
  1. Click on the team name to show the team popup window
  2. Enter tab "Economy
  3. Click on "Register payment"
  4. Enter amount to be paid back (negative number)
  5. And just click "Save"

How did we do?

Module "Complete" - Collective invoice

Registrere at lag har betalt - Uten bruk av OCR
