
Using economy module "Complete"

Superior. Profixio offers two types of ecomomy modules; Basic and Complete. Prices and more can be found at the bottom of this site. Using module "Complete", makes it very easy for you to organize fe…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Module "Complete" - Sjekkliste ved avsluttet cup

Aktiver utbetaling. Før dere aktiverer utbetaling, se gjerne gjennom sjekkliste under! Utbetaling aktiveres ved å klikke knapp vist i boblee (3): NOTER: Det MÅ stå "Approved" (boble 1) og det må være…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Module "Complete" - Changing ordered services

Superior. If a team has ordered services, but want to change this order (add or reduce), it must be done correctly. Reducing ordered services using collective invoice. If the services are not paid, i…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Module "Complete" - Accept wrong payment


Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Module "Complete" - Collective invoice

Superior. In order to reduce number of invoices to a club, it is possible to collect all invoices regarding registration fee and/or services fee into one single invoice. Make a collective invoice. Lo…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Module "Complete" - Underfunded, overfunded and payment on wrong kid

Superior. If a team leader do not pay according to amount of invoice, the payment will be set as "Underfunded" or "Overfunded", where underfunded means to little is paid. NOTE: When a payment is over…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Registrere at lag har betalt - Uten bruk av OCR

Hvordan registrere at lag har betalt? NB: Om dere benytter OCR eller modulen "Komplett", så vil innbetalinger registreres automatisk. Da er det bare unntaksvis at man trenger å oppdatere innbetalinge…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Make credit memo

Superior. NOTE: This article is only valid when using economy module "Basic". Make credit memo for a selected team. First, enter menu "Economy" - "Account summary" as shown in image below Use filter…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Discount to club or team

Most important things to know. Discount can only be set on registration fee, not services. You can give clubs or teams or both a discount for the whole registration fee or part of it. The discount ca…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Send payment reminder

Superior. (using Profixio CUP both economy module "Complete" and "Basic") A payment reminder can easily be sent from tournament admin site. It is possible to send reminder both on registration fee an…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll
