Responsible club


A responsible club is a club which is responsible for administrating the match.

Change responsible club for selected match

  1. Check on match (that is select match)
  2. Select responsible direct i cell (see bubble 2). NOTE: All clubs belonging to the federation can be chosen.

Multi-select matches and change responsible club

  1. Select one or several matches
  2. Select responsible club from the drop-down list of teams, see bubble 3
  3. After confirming, the grid will reload with the new selected club responsible


When a responsible club is changed, and published, a notification is sent to both teams and to new club responsible admin.


Until August 2024 it was a team belonging to a league which could be selected as responsible. This column is now moved to be the last column in grid. It is not meant to be used, only to inform the user of "old" data.

How did we do?

Vacant team

Match validation
