Match rounds

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


Each match is connection to a round. A round is technically having an index, a phase and start/end date. A round is also having a parameter saying if round is valid. The main reason using rounds, is to ensure matches in same round to be played at same time interval. As default, rounds can not overlap (but this can be overrided). After an initial schedule is made, with correct rounds, matches can be moved in time without restrictions from rounds. More about rounds here.

Change match round in a schedule

It is possible to change the round index (or number) in a schedule. If match is published, APP will also be changed directly. Match(es) will NOT be set to unpublished and no notifications are sent.

Enter menu "Schedule" - "Prepare schedule"

  1. Select match(es) to be changed.
  2. Select the correct round number. Confirm this chang

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