Referee competence


Every referee must have assigned a competence.  Competences are most often used as filter in order to select referees on matches. Competence of a referee is coming from official data. IE Basket Sweden has a model which connect competence to a license.

  1. Top level league
    When a match is a match in a top level league, no warning will be made if the selected referee is all ready taken by a match in a lower level league. If a referee is nominated to a top level match, it is the referee responsible to remove himself from matches in lower leagues which duplicates.
  2. Coach minimum competence
    Minimum competence fra coaches. Description is coming from FX.
  3. League demanded referee competence
    It is not demanded to set minimum level of referee competence on a league. But it can be done, and then PL checks if matches have a referee with correct level of competence.

Warning if a match has a referee with to low competence

In menu "Referee", column "Warning" will show text "Competence to low".


Organisation setup

Enter "Referee setup" from "Organisation setup" menu.

  1. Level is a number which makes it possible for the system to "know" who can referee certain leagues.
    A referee can referee all levels with equal or lower competence.
  2. The name of the competence can be changed to whatever name you like. This name is shown everywhere in PL.
  3. Each season can have its own competence system. As default, a season competences is copied from the last year competences.
  4. Remember to save changes!

How did we do?

Assign person as match referee assigner

Assigning referees - Make a match filter!
