Split matches - winner calculating


As always, it is the APP which is doing the calculation of what team shall play in playoff and further on in playoff. This calculation is done in the moment when a user save a match result. Because split match group only can be used in playoff, it is only the playoff matches which are considered here.

Criterias for calculation a winner from a split matches group

A winner is calculated as follows:

  • First, we look at number of matches in total and find number of wins which decide a winner. In example, a total of 5 matches are in the split match group. If a team has wun 3 matches, this will be the winning team.
  • Next criteria is scored goals. If both teams has wun 2 matches, and the fifth one goes to draw, the number of goals in total will decide the winner.
  • If number of goals are equal, the winner must be decide by a drawing of lots.

Matches shown in PL

Before the group play is finished, the matches in playoff will show where teams are calculating from. In example "Winner group B". When the group play is finsished, the real teams will show up in the grid.

  1. In this example, BC Luleå has wun 3 matches against Borås in their split match group. 
  2. The result is also shown in this grid, but can only be changed in APP.
  3. BC Luleå is filled inn further up in the playoff, because they are now calculated as the winner of their split match group.
  4. A tooltip is shown to inform what position the team is coming from.

Technical - How is the split match system working

A split match group always include two or more matches. The first match made (in the playoff tree window), will be the parent match. This match is totally equal to all other standard matches.

Match two. three and so on in the split match group, will have a pointer to the parent match id. So we just select the parent match, and then search for matches with the parent id. Then we got the split match group..

When calulating the winner, we summary all results and (technical) put the summary on the parent match. The public will not see this at all, of course.




How did we do?

Split matches

Switch home/away team
