
Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


  • Enter number of players for each category. This makes it easier to assign categories to fields and more effective grouping. This number does NOT need to mirror number of players etc. You decide the number!
  • Match length and team match break are two VERY important values. Be sure you set those values correct!
  • Start final play time will force group play to be finished before this time. This is also for categories without playoff!
  • You can change "Description" of categories here, but you cant change "Name". "Name" is taken from your tournament admin site.

Window explanation - the absolute basics

  1. To make things simpler, enter the number of players for each category. Later, it is easy to assign the corresponding fields to the categories.
  2. "Description" is fetched from your admin site, but can be changed here. The admin site will be changed after publishing the match schedule.
  3. Match length could better be called "Slot length" because this is the length of the match + the break between this and the next match (field break). So if a team play 2x8 minutes and you want 4 minutes of break to the next match, the match length will be 20 minutes. NOTE: This is only in used in scheduling algorithm.
  4. Match break is number of matches each team shall wait before they can play their next match. Often the value is set to 1, so each team has to wait at least one match after they have played a match.
  5. "Max number of days each team can play". Set this to 1 if all teams in category shall only play 1 day group play. Playoff is not considered here!
  6. If there are class playoff games, you can decide when the playoffs start. The pool game will then have to be completed by this time. NOTE: This value is not mandatory to deposit.

Window explanation - a little bit more advanced

  1. Playoff length is the same as match length, but is for playoff matches. If no playoff matches exists in the category, the value has no effect.
  2. Sort order is the order the categories are shown on the public web
  3. Turn on the option not to display a table on the web for classes that are too young for this. You can hide tables from this column. By default, the TXO uses the different federations' rules for using a table for younger classes.
  4. Set a class as inactive if the class is not to be displayed.
  5. Superior is the name of the sport federation for this sport in this country. It helps to set some default parameters for this category.
  6. You can merge classes if a class has too few players. This column shows the joined category name. More info here.
  7. Playtype; See article "Playtype - Direct cup play (no group play)"

Joining categories

  1. Select two categories which shall be joined
  2. Select category which shall take over. Often, it is the oldest players which shall be kept. The category which is not kept, will be set as inactive.
  3. Click button to join categories.
  4. If you should change your mind, just click this button to split (unjoin) categories




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