
Playoff - make new

Most important things to know. Playoff must be made individually for all categories. In this window you only make the tree and no matches. Matches for the trees are made in the same place as you made…


Playoff - Settings

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

League play

Adding a league play. Possibilities and limitations. League play can only be made from postions in the group play. . It is not possible to first run a group play, then a playoff and then a league pla…


Position matches

Superior. It is possible to make position matches. For example make a position match between the losers of a 1/4-final match. Position match from loser in playoff tree. Select menu Show placeholder".…


Using "best of" and not locked positions

Superior. Most usual, postions of teams in ranking tables are calculated out from position in group. I.e. Winner of group A is playing semi-final against number two in group B. But this can be unfair…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Playoff - Use hidden playoff

Often, the categories with young players shall not show tables and shall not play playoffs. This makes it difficult, not to say impossible, to make matches where the best teams play each other. In Pr…


Ranking table - Select

Article is moved to here

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Playoff tree - symbolic

Main symbolic. Dropdown (or use buttons below) to select a category. Toogle button to switch between default tree view which you can edit, or a tree just for get6ting an overview. Use save-button whe…


Ranking table calculation


Ranking tables - customize

Superior. Table criterias are used when tables are calculated after a result is saved. Most often, you will use your federation default criterias which also are default in TXO. In this case you do no…


Positioning all teams

Most important things to know. Playoff can be made so all teams are given a position. . Only categories with 2, 4, 8, 12 ,16, 20 or 32 players can be automatic postitioned. When matches are played, a…

