Result registration

Resultatregistrering - Slik gjør du (norsk)

(Her er en videosnutt hvis du foretrekker det) Finn turneringa aller først. Først må du finne turneringa. Søk den gjerne opp slik som boble 1 og 2 viser. Klikk så på korrekt turnering. Da vil meny i…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Result registration without email login

Superior. A major princip to register a match result, is to avoid fake users. This demand a sort of credentials for persons to register results. The most used credential is to log in with email addre…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Result registration - This is what you shall do!

Enter this link for Norwegian Find the tournament first. First you have to find the tournament. Feel free to look it up as bubbles 1 and 2 show. Then click on the correct tournament. Then the menu in…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Livereg matches (only in Norwegian)

Overordnet. TIPS: Dette kan du prøve ved å gå inn på turneringen din i vårt demo-miljø: (logg deg inn på vanlig måte her). NB: HUSK å taste inn demo.profixio.... Man kan…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Competitor draw when equal positions

Superior. If two teams are exactly the same after the group stage, a draw must be made for placement. NOTE: There is no automated draw, so you have to draw by either coin/crown or penalty kick first!…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Force position in table

Superior. It is possible to force a certain position for a team. This is most often done if the team is a guest team or the team participate on special terms. Forced position. Setting a team to a for…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

Calculation ranking table

Superior. A ranking table is a set of criteria deciding the order of teams in the group play table. All categories can be assigned a ranking table, even if the category is set up to NOT show tables (…

Ole Kristian Engvoll
Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll
