Vacant team - in depth

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


  1. A vacant is made inside TXO
  2. A vacant is connected to a fictive club. This club has the same name as the tournament name. 
  3. A vacant is assigned to a category but with no groups. This vacant must be dragged from the unassigned group over to the correct group
  4. A vacant can be switched with a real competitor


  1. Vacant teams without matches can be deleted inside TXO, menu Participants-Group

Switch vacant with team from web

  1. If a vacant exists in a match schedule, and we download a new competitor from web site, TXO will suggest to switch this two competitors. 
  2. The vacant will be deleted after a switch.
  3. Vacant which not have any matches or is unassigned group, will not be suggested.

Match schedule on web

  1. A vacant exists as an ordinary team in the match schedule on the web
  2. A vacant is not included in the registered teams on web

Move vacant with matches from a group to be unassigned

  1. All matches with this vacant will be deleted.

Move vacant with matches from a group to another group

  1. All matches with this vacant will be deleted.

How did we do?

Competitors - in depth

Club - in depth
