Table of Contents

Assigning referees

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


  • Referees can make their own registration on tournament registration site. Registered referees can then be chosen to referee.
  • It is also possible to add referee directly into this module.
  • You can register up to five different referee roles such as Main referee, Assistant referee 1 and 2.
  • Referees can be restricted to referee certain dates and / or certain categories.
  • Referees on matches are hidden from public view until you decide to make them public.

How to run referee module?

Enter menu "REFEREE" - "Referee assignment"

  1. Area to select referee role and referee name
  2. Area to select matches graphical
  3. Area to select matchs in a table

Assigning referee to match

There are two different ways you can assign referee to one or several matches ( but you can of course mix these two).

  • Using the graphical area (bubble 2 above). Here it is only possible to save referee to matches, not deleting.
  • Using the table area (bubble 3 above). Here you have all functionality.
Assigning referees to matches using graphical area
  1. Select type of referee role
  2. Select if you want to assign private or public.
    Private: Only you will see refere on match. Public: Referee is shown to everybody.
  3. Search referee by name (first name or last name - whatever)
  4. Select matches by CTRL-click on boxes
  5. Enter "Set referee"

Assigning referees to matches using table area

TIP: Collapse graphics area by click on - symbol in top right.

  1. Select type of referee role
  2. Select if you want to assign private or public.
  3. Search referee by name (first name or last name - whatever)
  4. Make filter if you want
  5. Select matches by chack on matches.
    TIP: If too few matches are shown, use the "Per page"-dropdown under the table to show i.e 50 matches.
  6. Enter "Set referee" to save

How did we do?

Referee registration
