Match responsible edit match

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll


A schedule. or just some matches in a schedule, can be transferred to APP for match responsible(s) to set date, time and venue. When the club admin has set time and venue on a match, the public view is updated directly. All matches will have a time limit for the club admin to change matches. This time limit is set when publishing this type of matches.

  • Match responsible = club admin.. Match responsible is set in PL and club admin in FX.
  • NOTE: This must NOT be confused with "Matches request to move". It is two completely different functions!
  • This schedule will be hidden from public view. Only club admin and persons with higher cred can now see the schedule.
  • All matches in same level must have same time limit!

Transfer active league level

Active match edit system by check on "Await publishing..use match assign time" (see end of arrow below).

NOTE: Matches do not need to be valid. Matches missing end time, venue, responsible team, vacant team will also be published.

  1. Transfer matches by click on this button. Selected matches are transferred. If none matches are selected, then all matches are transferred.
  2. A note can be set on the match. This note is only seen by the match responsible.
  3. Save note directly to APP by click on this button.

Transfer multiple league levels

In order to save time, it is possible to transfer multiple levels at the same time. Enter menu "Transfer leagues to APP".

This view showing league levels is filtered as following:

  • Level must have matches
  • Level is not been ordinary published to APP
  1. Make a filter based on region to easier find league levels you want to transfer.
  2. Select the levels
  3. Enter limit date for the match responsible to edit matches
  4. Click on button to transfer matches

Match responsible

When logged in, matches are shown in menu "Admin" - "Assigned matches". Matches can be edited. Saving is done by automatic (no need to clcik any "Save" button.


  • If match edit limit date is passed, the match will not show up in the list.
  • It is only possible to select a venue which is declared in FX within the organisation and region.
Venue busy?

In order to see if selected date/venue is available, a list of existing matches is shown, see bubble 1.

Reset to ordinary public view

You can whenever "go back" to ordinary view of your schedule in APP.

  1. Check off "Await publishing..use match assign time"
  2. Publish your schedule.

How to know if a league is using club match edit?

  1. In menu "Home, where list of leagues are presented, green rows indicate that club match edit is in use in one or several league levels.

How did we do?

Change matches from public site

Match request to move
