Main modules in Profixio CUP

Ole Kristian Engvoll Updated by Ole Kristian Engvoll

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Here is a video (but only in Norwegian for now) showing Profixio CUP in 3 minutes!

Profixio CUP is divided into 3 modules:

  • Admin site included registration page
  • Match scheduling, where the solution is called TXO (Tournament Scheduler Online)
  • Presentation of the match schedule and results. This is the APP area.

Admin site

You create an registration page via Once this page has been made, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to this page.

Via the admin page, which is the one and only URL you need for the tournament, you can adminstrate all parts of your tournament. See example of menu here.

Match setup

When the deadline for registration has expired, you start setting parameters for categories, groups, playoff, etc. This is an important job that must be done correctly if you are to get a good match schedule.

NB: Many organizers buy match sets from us. Prices can be found here. Please contact us if you would like to consider this.


This is considered the easiest part of the solution. Match setups are transferred from TXO and to the web. You post a link to the match schedule on your own website This is what a typical match schedule page looks like. Results are entered via the website, the Profixio app or via the TX itself. Or you can mix these. Tables are updated in real time after a result has been registered and any play-off teams are filled in automatically.

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